Internship Experience as a Physical Science Teacher

 Internship Experience as a Physical Science


Internships are a way for future educators to gain experience working with elementary or secondary students in a classroom , learn about instructional policy and administration and get mentored by professionals in the education industry. Internships are essential part of education training where students can give experience in classroom instruction , administration .

 Teachers play a very important role in shaping the future of their students. Teachers are the ones who impart knowledge and teach us about everything important. Moreover, they also teach us about ethical values and imbibe in our moral values. Thus, we can say that teachers shape our personality into something very strong and wonderful. A world without teachers would be definitely chaotic. There are only a few people in our lives who impact our world, and teachers are definitely one of them.

Teacher training refers to programs , policies , procedures , and provision designed to equip teachers with the knowledge , attitudes , behaviours , approaches , methodologies and skills they require to perform their tasks effectively in the classroom , school , and wider community. Internship will provide student teachers an opportunity to engage in critical reflection as they create meaning out of their experiences and attempt to discover their own voices and identities as teachers.

During the course of a B.Ed. degree, prospective teachers are given the opportunity to walk into schools and teach students in a classroom environment. This gives real-life classroom exposure about the experience of teaching and what all challenges they could potentially face.

The main aim to pursue a B.Ed. degree is to learn how to teach. Many of us have a vast amount of knowledge but when it comes to imparting it to others, it is a completely different cup of tea. This is what a B.Ed. course exactly helps us to do. Hence, in the course, the prospective teachers are taught how to gain attention of the students so that they try to learn the knowledge the teachers impart. 

As a part of B.Ed curriculum I have done my school internship programme from 8 - 08 - 2023 to 23 - 11 - 2023 at C.C.P.L.M ANGLO INDIAN SCHOOL PERUMANOOR .This period was a memorable experience for me .I have done my school induction at the same school. Thus I got a chance to being the part of school once again. So it was easy for me to cope up with the atmosphere. Through this internship programme I could understand the different aspects of teaching and developed confidence in teaching. Mrs. Geena and Mrs. Jisha were my mentor teachers and they helped and encouraged me in all my needs.

During the programme I taught chemistry in class 9 and physics in class 8. I could able to finish the allotted chapters for me in the time period. I found the teachers very dedicative and cooperative in school. The love and care of the teachers encouraged me and increased the passion of being a teacher. I used various instructional strategies for making the teaching and learning effective. I used innovative methods such as problem solving, groupdiscussions and demonstrations while taking classes. I used to include more experiments and activites related to the content in the class. It helped me to sustain the interest towards the subject among students. Teaching lessons with the use of ICT makes them very enthusiastic and creative. I felt that pupil enjoyed the activity oriented classes and thus understood the role of teaching aids play in classrooms for effective learning among students. I was able to manage the class well. 

 The days are amazing and that gives me lots of experiences in my life on the first day I have to take the class for the nineth standard students first I dont even know the timetable on the first day after that I got the timetable and then teacher asked me to take class to the nineth that was my first class and also they want to complete more portions in chemistry and also the exam is in the next days and I was nervous that I have only prepared for the eighth standard students and also on the next period I have to take class and I read the text book and also that is not my lesson plans chapter and I take class to them and when I entered the class I have familiar faces and when I saw them my tension become less and also they are happy to see me again in their class some of the students that I taught them in the period of induction and I am also happy to see them in my class. And I have take the class and then after I took the chapter of my lesson plan only some lesson plans were taken before the exam and I have only one division on nineth standard. And I have took class for the eighth standard students I have got A , B , C for taking classes and I took the first class on the topic force , contact and non contact forces and also I have met them in the life situations to them for push , pull , contact , non contact and for the onam exam up to that for their exam . I have prepared them for the exam with lots of question paper were done by me and them before the exam . And after that the exam was conducted and on the exam we have exam duty and that was amazing and from this I got the idea of the students how they will copy the answer and also they will ask doubts and in the time the other will get the needed answer and carl miss said that when they ask doubts during exams don’t go to them for clarifying it they will copy the answers. And she aske me to stand in side or infront then we can see all and don’t allow then to sleep and also she told that sit straight during the exam . And it was learned during internship and it was a wonderful experience. The exam was over at 24 th and on the 25 th August 2023 the onam celebration was conducted in the school and on the day we have put the pukallam and after that we all student teacher are assigned for one class and we are incharge of the class and we are celebrating the onam with the students of the class . And I have got the nineth standard my students with then I have celebrated the onam celebration the students were come with the curry and from the different homes the curry was prepared and given to me and also the teacher incharge of the class also with me the rice and sambar were collected by me from the school itself and from the small school side the rice was cooked and I have gone there for the rice and curry and give it to the Biji miss and we both give them food and after that they give us the food they were enthusiastically given all the things and also payasam. 

After the onam celebration the classes were started and I planed all the things according the time availability.

On September 5 th we conducted the teachers day celebrations and we were the incharge of the assembly and in that day students were the teachers and they teachs the other students the teachers were the students of tenth standard . And on the September 12 th the models were prepared by the students and they presented it and from this one models were selected and they can go to the competition and my children were gone for the competition and they got selected.

 There are so many practical work that want to complete in the internship programme itself as of the ozone day we were conducted the quiz competiton on September 18 and also poster making were conducted . The students were also practice for the school kalolsavam and it was conducted in September 21, 22, 23 . I had an opportunity to judge the competiton I was the judge of 2 competition one was song and the other was dance. This was a experience in my life and also we conducted the kalolsavam in school that was nice experience with the help of the teacher. This was also helped me as a teacher.

self assessement test were conducted after taking the chapter force and it were given to the VIII C and also action research it was based on the lack of concentration among eighth standard students in learning physics. And research was conducted in eighth b and after that I have given them solution to the problem that they faced in the area.

I also got opportunity to take classes on different art forms. Art class were taken the famous art form I have took the class on thullal and the class were taken to all the students in the eighth standard they all are happy to here about it because some are learnt it in the eighth the teacher were taken class on it then it made me simple they all are responding quickly and it was a wounderfull experience for me and also for the students . 

Class on cultural heritage of india helped me to create a spirit of patriotism among students. National integration we were conducted the quiz on Gandhi and the students from each class were participated in it and they all are very interesting in doing so. 

Case study is other practical that we want to do in the time and firstly we want to look for the case that means the child either they are ld or any gifted ,underachiever , and so on any of the category were the child and I have selected the child she is in the eighth standard division c and she is not an ld and gifted she is in underachiever she will listen the classes carefully but in the paper it will be not there she has low mark and also she will not have any friends and she will sit alone in the bench and after the company with me made here changes in the some areas and also in the study she has no friends but she loves all here teachers and I have made some space for me in here heart for getting here back and she wont even like here parents she is so possessive when the parents loving here younger ones.

And I have met so many students they have problems in their home they come to me for sharing their worries that I have no ideas about they have this much problems they all are very enjoying people when we saw them they are perfect but in the smiling faces also the cry they are hiding inside when we ask them they will not say anything we want to make a bond with the people they all are our children and we are the mother we want to know the hidden worries of our child then only we can make our child happy from inside also . LAC classes were taken to nineth and eighth and they loved it and in nineth redox reaction and eighth from force.

 It was my first ever experience of teaching yoga and physical education classes to students. I was tensed to take these classes but felt satisfied and confident after the class. Aerobic classes were given to the eighth and also the yoga and they loved to do it because they want to learn new things in the life it was a new experience in the school life for them and also the health education classes were given they all loved and interested in maintaining their health and they know about exercise and benefits and also about balanced diet.

Value education class were given the topics were love for the needed ones and honesty the story were shown and they loved seeing it and also they got the idea clearly. And in between these the models were also prepared and in have taken topic from each physics and chemistry . models were water cycle still model and Types of motion working model and in chart innovative chart properties of magnet and simple chart ionic bonding.

In between the fifty lesson plans the peer evaluvation were taken the peers will see our class and they will evaluate our classes and I have evaluated the class of Anna Annanya Natural science and also Abina K from Malayalam

I was able to manage the class well. But sometimes I felt really hard for me to make them silent due to their talkative nature. During internship programme I was able to develop skill of observation, critical thinking ability and skill of demonstration . I had developed skill of handling apparatus and using ICT. I felt happy to see the response of students in most of the classes while teaching. I got the opportunity to conduct achievement and diagnostic test for the students. Remedial teaching given to the slow learners showed improvement in them.I got the chance to supervise the Second terminal exam conducted in the school.

After taking the two classes Achievement test were conducted through we came to know about the areas they wont get and which one have less mark and after the test after one week we conducted the Diganostic test after the test we know the area they skip and they don’t know and after the test we conduct the Remedial class for those who doesn’t know and after the class the test were conducted and the got improvement in the area. In achievement test the chapters force and magnetism were taken and in the diagnostic test they are inly taken the difficult area of the students and I have taken the liquid pressure and diagnostic test were conducted and because of the area of difficulty I taken it as topic for remedial class. After the class they got clear idea about the portion and I took one exam. 

My friend Karthika Raveenthran also helped me to conduct various activities such as science quiz and poster designing. We tried to include all the students in all activities to improve their scientific attitude and creativity.

Throughout my school internship, I sought out to design lesson plans based on individual needs of each students. I was happy to have company with student teachers who became the part of my teaching experience . Because of them student teaching has been fun and collaborative. Thoughout the school internship I was able to create a really great atmosphere in my classroom . I learned many things through my student teaching experience , which will shape the way I teach for years to come . The biggest and most important thing I learned durning student teaching is to be confident . I was bulid better relationship with students and they obeyed and listened and respected me more.

By the end of internship programme, I realized that many qualities of a teacher were inculcated in me. I felt satisfied and proud in being a teacher and I will work hard to overcome my limitations and explore the opportunities. All the experience gained by me as a student teacher is very precious and will be cherished in my mind forever


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