
Showing posts from January, 2024

Internship Experience as a Physical Science Teacher

 Internship Experience as a Physical Science                                 Teacher Internships are a way for future educators to gain experience working with elementary or secondary students in a classroom , learn about instructional policy and administration and get mentored by professionals in the education industry. Internships are essential part of education training where students can give experience in classroom instruction , administration .  Teachers play a very important role in shaping the future of their students. Teachers are the ones who impart knowledge and teach us about everything important. Moreover, they also teach us about ethical values and imbibe in our moral values. Thus, we can say that teachers shape our personality into something very strong and wonderful. A world without teachers would be definitely chaotic. There are only a few people in our lives who impact our world, and teachers are definitely one of them. Teacher training refers to programs , policies ,